Angik School
During COVID “The Breakfast Program and snack will in brown bags (yogurt, fruit, cereal bars, cheese, fruit cups) to the classroom and students will remain at their desk to eat.”

Challenge Disability Resource Group
CDRG is a not-for-profit organization that works with members of the community with disabilities to integrate into the workforce. The organization runs transitional housing where clients learn life skills such as cooking and budgeting for food. As part of their Employ Ability program, clients are given opportunities to receive FoodSafe certification, and can work for Bridges Catering, a service also provided on behalf of Challenge.

Craving Change
A trademarked Canadian program for individuals who struggle with emotional eating and/or eating in ways they do not want to eat. Developed by a Registered Dietitian and Psychologist, this program is offered in Yellowknife by two dietitians approximately 2-3 times per year.
Fresh From Scratch
The Fresh From Scratch initiative governs all the food programs that the Boys and Girls Club of Yukon offers. It is not only a nutritional and education initiative, where youth learn cooking with fresh ingredients, budgeting and nutrition, but also it is a commitment from the staff and the organization to provide food that is as fresh and from scratch as possible.
Ice House – TCC Community Freezer
“Tuktoyaktuk’s community icehouse was carved out of the earth in the late 1960s, and is used by families to store winter harvests of goose, fish, seal and caribou through the summer months.”
Kids On The Farm
The Kids on the Farm program offers hands-on opportunities for students in K-12 to explore the life cycles, interconnections and ethical issues on a local farm.
Mayo Health Centre – Prenatal Program
Mayo Yukon Program: The program provides monthly vouchers to all pregnant women to help support them in purchasing healthy foods during pregnancy.

Northern Farm Training Institute (NFTI)
The Northern Farm Training Institute (NFTI) is a non-profit society created by local Métis and northern farming expert, Jackie Milne, operating on a 260-acre campus in Hay River, Northwest Territories. NFTI provides immersive farm training to people committed to improving local food systems with a vision to be a holistic farm and educational centre to genuinely empower people to transform their lives. The Institute supports a vibrant regenerative landscape while building productive local farms and thriving, healthy resilient communities.

Nunavut Fisheries Training Consortium
The Nunavut Fisheries Training Consortium is a major long-term training initiative that assists the Inuit of Nunavut obtain maximum employment and economic benefits from the development of a Nunavut based fishing industry. Students are prepared for various opportunities, including Small Vessel Operator, Marine Diesel Mechanic, Fisheries Observer, Bookkeeper, Bridgewatch, Cook, Quality Control Officer, and Deckhand (introductory Pre-Sea Course). Programs may enable graduates to work in other marine related occupations and develop inshore fisheries in their own communities.

Soaring Eagle Friendship Centre
Offers services to its members such as traditional cooking classes.
Teen Parent Centre
The Teen Parent Centre runs the Canada Prenatal Nutrition Program which provides support to pregnant and parenting teens and young people while they work towards their high school graduation. Nutrition and health counselling, healthy lunches, breastfeeding support, prenatal and parenting education, a grocery incentive, and prenatal vitamins are all offered through this program.

Yukon University
Yukon University offers the following continuing education courses: Container Gardening, Companion Gardening, Gardening For Beginners, Seeds – Get Started.
Community Education
Food-related courses, such as Food Safe, are offered on occasion at Yukon University campuses across the territory. As well as a Culinary Arts Apprenticeship Program

Yukon Youth Achievement Centre: Cooking, Foods and Nutrition
Provide opportunities for youth at risk and young persons involved with the Youth Criminal Justice Act to participate in a cooking program that introduces youth to healthy food choices by preparing simple meals to be shared at lunch. The program offers food security to youth by providing simple breakfast, lunch programming and baking programs to youth.