About the Northern Canada Food Security Policy Atlas
The Northern Canada Food Security Policy Atlas is an online hub for citizens, researchers, businesses, community and political leaders to learn about food security in Northern Canada.
The atlas combines a food initiatives directory, an interactive map, policy papers and community-based research and food security projects. The atlas is designed to provide new insights, share learnings and inspire actions and solutions.
Explore a comprehensive database by category including: (1) Production and Harvesting, (2) Storage, Processing, Distribution and Consumption, (3) Food Systems, Coordination and Policy and (4) Food Skills, Knowledge and Culture.
The food initiatives in the Far North can also be found on the Northern Canada Food Initiatives Map.
This project is supported by the Feed Opportunity Fund by the Maple Leaf Centre for Action on Food Security.

The map outlines all food initiatives in each community with a description of their activities and mandate, as as well as identifying how they fit within the eight food system themes. It also offers query options for data analysis.
The map will assist program coordinators, NGO’s, funders, governments, and the general public in accessing information on food initiatives and food assets, strengthening opportunities for collaboration, knowledge sharing and evaluation.
The project includes the following regions of Canada in the Far North: Yukon, Northwest Territories, Nunavut, Nunavik and Nunatsiavut.
The Aurora Research Institute (ARI) at Aurora College is responsible for hosting and maintaining the Northern Canada Food Initiatives Map until 2032. The team at the institute will further build and advance the Northern Canada Food Initiatives Map.