
Bringing people together to facilitate a planning process that leads to positive change and community action with practical solutions to issues related to poverty and food insecurity.

Who We Are

We are the Social Planning Council of Sudbury. Since 1989 we have been an Independent, Non-Profit Organization, and Registered Charity that is based out of Sudbury, Ontario.

Mission: We are committed to working with community partners to enhance the well-being of individuals, families, and communities.

Vision: We are committed to working to build and strengthen communities, advocate for the development of essential community and social support. As well as address the social impact on individuals, families, and communities of larger social, economic, political, and cultural forces in society.

Primary Goal: Our goal is to bring people together to facilitate a planning process that leads to positive change and community action. We are able to accomplish this through the channels of effective social planning, including Planning, Research and Co-ordination, Social Policy Advocacy, Community Development and Education.

Values: We are focused on Community Development, Volunteerism, Diversity, Equity, Social Justice, as well as Focus on the Future.

What We Do

We strengthen organizations through increased community partnerships, general membership, and board participation. By working together we can increase financial security and human support, as well as work on other issues that address poverty alleviation and the enhancement of civil society. We also determine our future strategies and projects based on outcomes that focus on necessary change.

Services Provided

Social Research: We provide experts in qualitative and quantitative social research the will provide your project with the solid foundation it requires to move forward. Tools used in this process include: literature/best practice reviews, surveys/assessments, environmental scans, focus groups, statistical analysis, and much more.

Evaluation: We are skilled in both organizational and program evaluation. We will design an evaluation process with you, that meets all your needs. This may include but is not limited to, environmental scans, outcome-based evaluation, needs assessments process evaluation, and developmental evaluation.

Asset Based Community Development: Our community development work is about engaging people. We work with people to plan and implement projects/activities to improve or expand vital social services, solve problems, and/or improve the quality of life for citizens; especially those who are excluded or marginalized. This is done through organizing meetings, identifying problems, asset mapping, finding resources, as well as other factors which all help make things better in our community.

Facilitation: Our facilitators have strong leadership and communication skills, a deep knowledge of group and interpersonal dynamics, and the skills to design appropriate processes to lead participants to achieving their goals.

Data Analysis: As a member of the Community Data Consortium, we have access to significant data bases at the municipal, provincial, and federal levels. With this information we are able to create customized products to help organizations reach their specific goals. After determining the specific data needs we are able to provide expert guidance on gathering the data and understanding all implications.

Network Analysis: Social Network Analysis (SNA) is a tool for evaluating relationships and connectivity. Network Analysis provides the tools to gather data and present it visually using a variety of maps that provide clarity on what the data is showing. It may show who the leaders and connectors are, what are the clusters of activity and connectivity, and who is on the periphery, isolated or not at connected to a network. SNA encourages cooperation and discourages silo tendencies within networks by displaying individuals’ distinct role in a network.